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Board & Staff

Judie Lincer

Judie Lincer

Judie Lincer is a Naturalist with San Diego Bird Alliance's Education Program. Judie has a deep passion for connecting children with the outdoors. She has taught grades preschool-high school for over 20 years and participated in a Naturalist Training course at the SD Natural History Museum. She is an Education co-leader and manages programs for San Diego Children & Nature collaborative (SDCaN) where she works on numerous projects around the county to help connect children to nature. These projects are designed to bring Schoolyard Science Lessons into schools and empower teachers to use the outdoors to engage children in science using hands-on activities. Importantly, they enhance students’ scientific- inquiry skills and inspire and develop an appreciation of the environment and ecosystems in San Diego County. Judie has a Masters degree in Education, and is also a Certified Interpretive Guide. 


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  • City of San Diego

  • County of San Diego
    County of San Diego
  • State Coastal Conservancy
  • SANDAg transnet logo
    SANDAg transnet logo
  • Malk Nature Fund
  • Coastkeeper
  • UCNRS logo
  • San Diego Regional Fire Foundation logo
  • Americorps
  • Room & Board
    Room & Board
  • San Diego River Conservancy
  • National Marine Sanctuary Foundation