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Board & Staff

Savannah Stallings

Savannah Stallings

Savannah graduated in 2022 from USD with her bachelors in Environmental and Ocean Sciences with a minor in Political Science. She just completed a year of service in the California Climate Action Corps for San Diego Bird Alliance, assisting at our nature preserves, and with event coordination and community outreach. Savannah has now transitioned to our Docent Coordinator position, is on the Bird Festival planning committee, and plans on continuing her work in sustainability and climate action. In her free time she is a ceramic artist and spends as much time as possible outside hiking, camping, and exploring native plants.


  • USFWS logo
  • City of San Diego

  • County of San Diego
    County of San Diego
  • State Coastal Conservancy
  • SANDAg transnet logo
    SANDAg transnet logo
  • Malk Nature Fund
  • Coastkeeper
  • UCNRS logo
  • San Diego Regional Fire Foundation logo
  • Americorps
  • Room & Board
    Room & Board
  • San Diego River Conservancy
  • National Marine Sanctuary Foundation