Sandeep Dhar

Sandeep has been living in San Diego since 2011 but it took a chance trip to Costa Rica in 2017 to spark his interest in birds, especially hummingbirds. Back home, he hung a couple of feeders and soon enough an Allen's hummingbird took residence. Using his skills in photography he began to study this one hummingbird in detail, now nicknamed Bruno, that spilled into a desire to know more about the birds and their habitats in the county.
In 2019 he covered the city of Imperial Beach for "The Future Is Now", a traveling photographic exhibit on the impact of sea level rise on coastal areas in San Diego. When covid forced us to our homes, he worked with three other photographers to generate online content for elementary school children that became the "Sharing our Shores: South Bay" series and gave online presentations on the flora and fauna of Tijuana estuary to high school students.
These days he is using his spare time to research energy generation and storage, the carbon credit system, and the nexus of ever advancing technological improvements in sensing, artificial intelligence and augmented reality and its application towards education and habitat monitoring.
He holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University and a doctorate degree in electrical engineering from University of Colorado, Boulder. On most weekend mornings, before sunrise, you will find him walking the Tijuana estuary trails or the shores near the river mouth.