Sharing our Shores is an Audubon Adventures during school educational program that teaches children about local and migratory coastal birds through science, education and art. Through in-class lessons and field trips to nearby nesting sites, students learn about threatened and endangered birds, beach and bay ecology, and conservation issues.
Using art as a platform for teaching the community about the importance of sharing coastal habitats with threatened and endangered birds, students design educational signs that are installed at critical nesting sites, promoting awareness and protection of nesting and wintering habitat and helping to inform the public about these amazing birds.
Through partnerships with US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Urban Refuge Program, City of San Diego, Audubon CA and local foundations, Sharing our Shores programs have expanded from South Bay, Mission Bay, North County and Salton Sea coastal habitats.
Fun Fact: Western snowy plover adults use unique distraction displays, such as faking a broken wing, to lure predators away from their nest and chicks.