Our Education Programs bring environmental instruction to students throughout San Diego County through field trips and other active hands-on nature experiences. SDBA core education programs include Outdoor Explore!, Silverwood Science Discovery, Sharing our Shores, and Anstine Adventures.
Visit our education activities page to discover nature-based lessons, games, videos, and more, perfect for completing at home. Check back for new updates and enjoy exploring nature in your own neighborhood.
The Anstine Adventures program engages third through fifth-grade students in hands-on scientific exploration at our Anstine-Audubon Nature Preserve. For students from the Vista Unified School District, the 11-acre nature preserve transforms into an outdoor classroom and offers them the opportunity to enhance their exploration, experimentation, and observation skills.
The OutdoorExplore! and Habitat Helpers nature education programs introduce children to our natural environment by connecting elementary and middle school students to natural open spaces right in their own neighborhoods.
The Sharing our Shores program introduces students to the local threatened and endangered shorebirds native to San Diego County, along with beach ecology and conservation issues. The program combines an in-class lesson with a field trip to one of San Diego’s beaches or bays and strives to educate the students about San Diego’s local and migratory birds.
The Silverwood Science Discovery program combines an in-class lesson with a Naturalist-guided field trip to our Silverwood Wildlife Sanctuary in Lakeside. This interdisciplinary curriculum explores San Diego's chaparral and coastal sage scrub habitats and is aligned to meet California Content Standards for Science.
For more information about San Diego Bird Alliance's Education Programs, please contact our Director of Education, Rebekah Angona at angona@sandiegobirdalliance.org