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Conservation Team Leader Training

Thursday, September 14, 2023
5:00 pm7:00 pm
Virtual (zoom)
A California Least Tern returns to two chicks.

We are recruiting Conservation Team Leaders for the Fall restoration season! Over this 2-hour zoom training, Conservation Team Leaders (CTLs) will be trained to lead other volunteers in the field at community restoration events and assist SDAS staff in conducting vegetation monitoring. Most of this work will take place in Mission Bay's California Least Tern nesting preserves. CTLs will also learn about this endangered, migratory bird and the conservation efforts that have been taken to protect them.

At the events, CTLs help with set up, check in, leading small groups (5–20 people) in the field, and clean up. This is a great way to really dig into some serious conservation work and see the process of prepping the nesting sites throughout the season.

Click on the application link below for more information and to express interest in joining the program. There will be an additional optional 1 hour field training the next Saturday, September 16th.


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  • San Diego River Conservancy
  • National Marine Sanctuary Foundation