Pollinator Garden Planting at Otay Valley Regional Park
We are partnering with the Otay Valley Regional Park Rangers to plant native milkweed and other nectar-providing plants for butterflies.
We will be planting 100 milkweed plants and 100 riparian nectar plants!
Meet at the 27th st. Staging Area in OVRP. Here is a link to the exact location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/32%C2%B035'33.1%22N+117%C2%B004'30.5%22W/@32.5925278,-117.0751389,17z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d32.5925278!4d-117.0751389?hl=en-US
In case parking is full please park at the ranger station and walk along Beyer Blvd. to the meeting location. See you there!