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Community Led Advocacy

The SDBA Conservation Committee is an active group of volunteers who are involved in taking action on many local, state, or federal issues that affect our wildlife communities including wind energy, wetland protection, climate change, wastewater/stormwater issues, and urban habitat protection. Committee members write comment letters on environmental documents, speak at City Council hearings, provide advice and/or support on policy issues, and more.

This group meets virtually on Zoom on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 6:30 – 8:30pm. The meetings are open to the public and are a great way to gain valuable insight into bigger-picture issues impacting our region. Click here to add this meeting to your calendar and access the zoom link, or see below. 

Zoom Information:

Meeting ID: 856 2382 6382
Passcode: coco

For questions, to request an item be added to the agenda, or be added to our email list, reach out to


  • USFWS logo
  • City of San Diego

  • County of San Diego
    County of San Diego
  • State Coastal Conservancy
  • SANDAg transnet logo
    SANDAg transnet logo
  • Malk Nature Fund
  • Coastkeeper
  • UCNRS logo
  • San Diego Regional Fire Foundation logo
  • Americorps
  • Room & Board
    Room & Board
  • San Diego River Conservancy
  • National Marine Sanctuary Foundation