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Volunteer Habitat Restoration Events

Upcoming Events

Dune Defenders

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
9:00 am12:00 pm
Various locations in Mission Bay, California

Become a weed warrior and help restore fragile coastal sand dunes to benefit Least Terns and native dune plants. These events take place weekly on Tuesdays, in varying locations.

RSVP by emailing our Conservation Manager at You will then receive additional information.


  • USFWS logo
  • City of San Diego

  • County of San Diego
    County of San Diego
  • State Coastal Conservancy
  • SANDAg transnet logo
    SANDAg transnet logo
  • Malk Nature Fund
  • Coastkeeper
  • UCNRS logo
  • San Diego Regional Fire Foundation logo
  • Americorps
  • Room & Board
    Room & Board
  • San Diego River Conservancy
  • National Marine Sanctuary Foundation