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Volunteer Habitat Restoration Events

Upcoming Events

Wander the Wetlands and Bird Watching

Saturday, December 9, 2023
9:00 am11:00 am
Crown Point Park North, Mission Bay

Join us for a bird walk and learn what lives in the marsh! No registration required. Educational docents are available to answer your questions about all things wetlands, birds, and ReWild Mission Bay. Spotting scopes and binoculars will be available to use.

Nature lovers, bird enthusiasts and anyone interested in learning more about the habitat existing in the heart of our city are welcome! Learn about the birds at Kendall-Frost Marsh and discover the natural history and restoration progress in Mission Bay. Take in the extraordinary sights found only in protected habitats like this one.

While the new research and educational center is under construction, we will be meeting at the northern end of Crown Point Park near the dirt lot.

Want to be a docent for this program? Email our Docent Coordinator at to find out how to get involved.

This is a partnership project between UC San Diego Natural Reserve System and San Diego Audubon Society.


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