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Volunteer Habitat Restoration Events

Upcoming Events

Conservation Committee Meeting

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
6:30 pm8:30 pm
Virtual meeting, please contact for the Zoom Link

Our Conservation Committee meets virtually via Zoom on a monthly basis (the 4th Tuesday of the month), from 6:30-8:30 pm to discuss local environmental issues that affect birds, other wildlife and their habitats. To get the Zoom link or to find out more, contact our Director of Conservation at


  • USFWS logo
  • City of San Diego

  • County of San Diego
    County of San Diego
  • State Coastal Conservancy
  • SANDAg transnet logo
    SANDAg transnet logo
  • Malk Nature Fund
  • Coastkeeper
  • UCNRS logo
  • San Diego Regional Fire Foundation logo
  • Americorps
  • Room & Board
    Room & Board
  • San Diego River Conservancy
  • National Marine Sanctuary Foundation