Great Horned Owl in Bonita, by Erik Boman
This photo will also be featured on the SDBA Facebook page throughout the month.
(click on image to enlarge)
April, 2022: A rare look at a Sora at the San Elijo Lagoon. Photo by Tom Walsh.
March, 2022: Up close of a curious Black Phoebe. Photo by Sergio Cruz.
February, 2022: A Red-shouldered Hawk photographed in West Mission Valley/Morena.. Photo by Rick Morrison.
Send a recent bird photo to kennedy@sandiegoaudubon.org for consideration as our next photo of the month. Please include the date it was taken, the location, and your name. By sending us a photo, you give us permission to use the image, accredited to you, in our e-newsletter and on our social media pages.