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Queen Butterfly photograph by Craig Chaddock, Mission Trails Regional Park


The Future of the Clean Water Act In Danger

SAN DIEGO, CA  —  In an unprecedented 5-4 ruling marking the greatest level of restrictions placed upon the federal Clean Water Act since its implementation in 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court voted Thursday to impede the ability of the federal government to protect ecosystems and landscapes critical to the health of bird populations and communities across the nation, opening the door to under-regulated and environmentally harmful development projects.


Our State has already lost over 90% of our wetlands. And while the California Water Board increased state waterway protections in 2019, San Diego is a key stopover on the Pacific Flyway. Many of the birds we see in the San Diego region are migratory and are highly susceptible to poor environmental practices, especially those at the expense of clean water.


"Birds depend on a healthy network of wetlands across the nation, including in states that don't have the same state-level protections afforded in California,” says SDAS Director of Conservation Andrew Meyer. “This destructive decision by the Supreme Court will directly affect the survival of birds we know, love, and that are vital to the health of our local ecosystems.”


Wetlands aren't just for birds, either. Wetlands are extremely sensitive habitats that also serve as nature's water filter, cleaning drinking water, recharging aquifers, and protecting communities from storms, floods and other climatic stressors.

We encourage you to make your voice heard and advocate for our local wetlands. We are leading the ReWild Mission Bay Project here in San Diego. This coalition of over 75 local organizations is dedicated to restoring valuable wetlands in Mission Bay. By preserving and restoring these habitats, we’re working to ensure that this unique part of California’s coastline remains healthy and vibrant for generations of both birds and people to come.

If you would like to learn more and lend your voice to this important issue, please visit


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