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Queen Butterfly photograph by Craig Chaddock, Mission Trails Regional Park


Help Set the 2022 Priorities for the City Council Environment Committee!

The City of San Diego's Environment Committee is setting their 2022 Work Plan - this is our chance to speak up about the environmental issues that we feel should be addressed by the Committee this year. Comments are being accepted until February 4th - so submit your concerns today using this form.

San Diego Audubon will be asking the Committee to focus on some of the following, and you are welcome to pass on similar comments:

  • Support the ReWild Mission Bay project by prioritizing restored, accessible wetlands in Mission Bay.
  • Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and support the adoption of a robust updated Climate Action Plan that examines the storage and sequestration value of existing and restored habitats.
  • Use bird-friendly building guidelines in all new development projects.  Developing in places where transit and infrastructure already exist, to keep sprawl and infrastructure out of the open spaces that are critical to our wildlife.
  • Improve our stormwater infrastructure and its maintenance, improving our water quality and riparian habitats. Prioritize stormwater infrastructure that has habitat value and is accessible and inviting to the public.
  • Preserve our parks’ habitat, water quality, scenic, mental health, and recreational values and codify that these places are for access and recreation and also for endangered species and watershed protection, and air pollution reduction.
  • Support managed recreation uses in our open spaces so that our open spaces aren’t loved to death. Emphasize responsible pet ownership so that domestic pets are not disturbing or destroying native wild plants and animals.
  • Increase the amount of preserved lands in the City of San Diego for their human and wildlife benefits.
  • Improve the water quality of Mission Bay by maximizing wetland acreage, and surround it with upland habitat full of native plants to buffer it from other park uses.
  • Increase support for the Mission Bay rangers and other park staff, many of whom do not have the resources or number of staff needed to properly carry out their mission of protecting our natural resources and ensuring safe and accessibly parks for the community.


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  • State Coastal Conservancy
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  • Malk Nature Fund
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  • UCNRS logo
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  • San Diego River Conservancy
  • National Marine Sanctuary Foundation