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Queen Butterfly photograph by Craig Chaddock, Mission Trails Regional Park


Reconnecting the People, Plants and Animals of the Kendall-Frost Marsh with an Exciting New Grant

San Diego Audubon and our partners have received a round of funding from the Honda Marine Sciences Foundation which will allow us to elevate indigenous perspectives into the ReWild Mission Bay planning process.

San Diego Audubon, in partnership with the UC Natural Reserve System, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, Native Like Water, and Renascence, have been awarded a Honda Marine Sciences Foundation grant to bring conversations with Kumeyaay leaders to the center of our access advocacy in the northeast corner of Mission Bay. 

This grant will help reconnect humans to surviving portions of native wetlands in northeast Mission Bay, protected and managed for conservation as part of Kendall-Frost Marsh Reserve under the UC Natural Reserve system. It will also support the City of San Diego’s Climate Action Plan – most notably with the concern over sequestering carbon, ensuring cleaner water, increasing climate resiliency along the bay front, and improving and adding greater public access to the space.

This grant is an opportunity to add additional dimensions to San Diego Audubon's ReWild Mission Bay effort by elevating indigenous voices. We appreciate the partnership with these institutions and organizations, and we’re excited to bring new research and new perspectives to our ongoing ReWild Mission Bay campaign.

Find out more by reading the entire press release here.


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