Volunteer with a Committee

San Diego Bird Alliance has several active committees accomplishing great things. Check out the committees below, and let us know if you're interested in joining one of these teams.
Conservation Committee
The San Diego Bird Alliance Conservation Committee is an active group of volunteers who are involved in taking action on many local, state, or federal issues that affect our wildlife communities including wind energy, wetland protection, climate change, water/wastewater/stormwater issues, urban habitat protection, and environmentally appropriate transportation and development. Committee members write comment letters on environmental documents, speak at City Council hearings, provide advice and/or support on policy issues, and more. This group meets virtually on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8:30pm. The meetings are open to the public and are a great way to gain valuable insight into bigger-picture issues impacting our region. To join the Conservation Committee, interested volunteers must attend at least three of the prior six meetings, after which they can petition the committee for membership. To be voted in, an individual needs a simple majority vote by the committee. Full voting privileges begin at the first meeting following the committee vote. Interested? Contact Andrew Meyer, Director of Conservation, at ameyer@sandiegobirdalliance.org or (858) 273-7800 x101.
Communications Committee
Help develop and execute communication strategies that inspire! Through writing, editing, photography, videography, graphic design, digital marketing, website design, and public relations, utilize print and digital media to help build awareness of and involvement in San Diego Audubon's programs, sanctuaries, and outreach activities. Interested? Contact Rebecca Kennedy, Communications Manager, at rkennedy@sandiegobirdalliance.org.
Fundraising Events Committee
Assist with the planning and execution of key San Diego Bird Alliance revenue generating and membership development events. Seek and administer related sponsorship funds and in-kind donations. Contact Esther Tsai, Director of Philanthropy, at etsai@sandiegobirdalliance.org.
Property Stewardship Committee
Guide the stewardship of San Diego Bird Alliance properties to best serve birds and wildlife; provide enriching and regulated access opportunities for the public; and recognize best practices to be shared. Contact Rebekah Angona at rangona@sandiegobirdalliance.org