The Great Egret Society is a distinguished group of supporters who share a passion and deep commitment to San Diego Bird Alliance by contributing a total of $1,000 or more within a calendar year.
Participation in the Great Egret Society is an opportunity to become more intimately engaged with our conservation and education efforts, meet others who share your conservation values, and participate in exclusive conservation and social events throughout the year.
Great Egret Society benefits
Gold Level $1000 to $4999
- Invitations for two to exclusive Alliance events
- San Diego Bird Alliance Gift Membership
- Quarterly update reports from the Executive Director
- Special recognition in Sketches and on our website
- Subscription to members-only magazine, Sketches
- Subscription to eNewsletter with advance notice and registration, and/or discounts on events and programs
- 20% discount on San Diego Bird Alliance merchandise
Platinum Level $5000+
All Gold Level benefits, plus:
- Invitation for two for an event with SDBA President and Executive Director
- Private nature walk for you and your guests hosted by San Diego Bird Alliance naturalist-guide at a San Diego Bird Alliance sanctuary
- For tax purposes, San Diego Bird Alliance estimates that the fair market value of the benefits listed above are $100 for Gold Level and $125 for Platinum Level.
For more information on the Great Egret Society, please contact Esther Tsai, Director of Philanthropy
We appreciate your support!