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Ways to Give

Gifts of securities, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual fund shares, are a great way to support San Diego Bird Alliance. By making a gift of assets that have appreciated you can avoid capital gains tax. In addition to saving on capital gains, you can deduct your gift’s full market value at time of transfer.

Your generous support through a donation of stock will go a long way in helping build a brighter future for birds and other wildlife in our region.

A donation of stock to San Diego Bird Alliance entitles you to an income tax deduction of your gift’s full fair market value at the time of transfer. If you have own the stock for one year of more and it has appreciated, you can save on the capital gains tax you would pay if you sold the stock yourself. Capital gains tax will not apply when you donate your stock to San Diego Bird Alliance.

To donate stock, simply send your broker a written letter of instruction authorizing the electronic transfer including the following:

Specification of stock and number of shares to be transferred including your account number and name

San Diego Audubon Society's brokerage account information is as follows:

   Vanguard at 1-800-339-4515

   Account No. 66224671

   DTC No. 0062

   Include San Diego Audubon Society’s Tax I.D. # which is 95-6100273

Note: Once you have initiated the transfer, please confirm the timing and gift details including the broker/financial institution from which the gift will come by emailing Esther Tsai, our Director of Philanthropy, at 


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