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Leave a Legacy

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Create Your Legacy and Invest in the Future

Your love of birds and nature can shape the future! By including San Diego Audubon in your estate plans, the birds and places you treasure now will benefit for future generations to enjoy. In addition, your legacy commitment qualifies you to be a member of Golden Eagle Legacy Club.

Members of this club are invited to periodic special events that provide access to insider information about upcoming initiatives and recent successes. Your membership can serve as an inspiration to others.

There are several ways to include San Diego Audubon in your estate plans. We suggest that you discuss these options with your family and with your financial and legal advisers.

Include a bequest to San Diego Audubon in your will or trust

Even a small percentage of your estate can make a big difference to our mission and the birds, other wildlife, and their habitats.

Name San Diego Audubon as a beneficiary of your IRA or other qualified retirement plan

Doing so may be a good way for your heirs to avoid income and estate taxes. You should request a beneficiary designation form from your plan sponsor and share a completed copy with your attorney.

Donate a paid up life insurance policy that has outlived its original purpose

You may be able to receive a current tax deduction.

If you have already made plans to include San Diego Audubon in your estate plans, please let us know so that we can thank you and welcome you into the club. Please contact Charlene Pryor, our Director of Development, at, to receive an Estate Commitment Form. This documentation of your intent will help ensure that we understand and honor your legacy wishes.

To discuss planned giving and the Golden Eagle Legacy Club further, please contact Charlene at

San Diego Audubon Society

Tax I.D. #95-6100273


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